Design traffic signs with free and open software OpenSignTool

OpenSignTool is an open source traffic sign design software package. It consists of several Python extension programs written for open source vector graphic drawing software Inkscape. OpenSignTool closely follows the traffic sign design standard in the US. The tool is utilized to create thousands of sign graphics published on this website.

Currently v1.1 · v0.92 · github repo

Sign Poster

The OpenSignTool is used to create standard sign graphics. A sign poster file is created with an Inkscape extension. The 24” x 36” sign poster currently includes 673 standard signs.

The sign poster has standard sign graphics and sign numbers. You can easily find a sign on the poster.

Get Sign Poster
sign poster


The site includes several web apps that you can easily generate standard sign graphics such as Speed Limit signs and Route Number signs.

The apps are all developed with web frameworks Flask or Django.

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